Small habits, big results

Joyce Sherman
2 min readNov 29, 2020

Small habits, big results.

Earlier I spoke about January at the gym.

Instead of getting excited to make big changes so we make big changes in our lives, I prefer to focus on small habits.

The truth is what we do consistently is what determines our results.

One large meal or one small meal is not going to permanently change the number on the scale for us.

One big workout or one day without a workout is not going to make a lasting difference in our strength or our muscles or stamina.

One of the secrets is doing the same thing consistently over time.

Since our body prefers bringing things back to equilibrium. One way to make lasting change is to realize that what we are in the habit of doing is easiest to do.

The way to do this is to make a small (very small) change in our routine. Doing this over time will help to turn it into a habit. When it is a habit, then introduce another small (very small) change again stepping towards your ultimate goal.

How do you know if the step is too small, not small enough, or just right?

Does it feel too easy and yet a bit uncomfortable?

If so, then you are on the right track.

Do this new habit for a couple of weeks. If you can be consistent and actually do it consistently for those two weeks and also feel ready to do a bit more, introduce another small (very small) step as talked about above and repeat the process.

It helps to have someone or some way to hold yourself accountable.

If you would like a Facebook group to help you with this, consider requesting access to the group titled Weight Loss Secrets. At the time of this writing, the group is free.

If you would like a coach to help you decide on the next steps and to help you step closer to your health, nutrition, and fitness goals, visit

I hope you are doing well and I hope to hear from you. Take care.

Have you checked out my totally FREE infographic on how to eat healthy without spending hours preparing a meal? Get it here:



Joyce Sherman

Follow along as I share my nutrition coaching secrets & information, and learn how to grow my business. You will see my ups, downs, and growth along the way.