Giving thanks during hard times

Joyce Sherman
2 min readNov 28, 2020

Yesterday was our nation’s annual day of giving thanks.

The holidays have traditionally been hard for me, although I keep working on viewing them in a more positive light.

To help me with hard times, I do my best to shift my mindset by focusing on what I am lucky to have. I try to rewrite the script in my head and heart to be able to view it from a positive point of view.

Some say I am a positive person with an upbeat personality. This is my way of surviving and trying to balance out the unhappiness that parts of life and certain people have routinely given me.

When life brings me down too much, the overcoming behavior is just not enough to compensate and I can get all but crippled by it, although I do my best to put on a positive, happy, upbeat exterior and muddle through as best as I can until the feeling subsides.

I would love to spend time with others to help dissipate the unhappy feelings, but at the same time don’t want to burden others or end up bringing them down when my feelings are so strong.

The truth is I am a very lucky person. I have a whole lot to be thankful for. I have my health. I am able to go to strength training. I have my dogs to entertain and love me even when they are being goofballs.

This year, I am thankful for my clients and those who are my friends. Some of my clients have turned into friends and for them I am extra thankful.

Through my business I have met some very nice, supportive people.

Many have shown me that I am a worthy person and have also shown me another way of viewing the world.

All of this to say that if holidays are hard for you, I am there too. Together we are stronger. Together we can make positive changes in our lives.

If there is something in your life I can help with, even if it is just listening, please let me know.

I am so thankful for my clients, friends, neighbors, and my chosen family. Without you I would be lost and floundering.

Because of you I am healing, growing, surviving, and thriving.

I appreciate you more than you probably know.

Thank you for being there for me. You are the reason my heart has less holes in it and more joy.

Take care of yourself.

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Joyce Sherman

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